Thursday, August 17, 2017

What's next?

I've been doing a lot of writing. When I'm feeling blocked, I'll "free-write." That is to say I will just start typing. Sometimes, I start with "I don't know what to type, but I'm at my keyboard . . . " and continue from there.
I've had a couple of great free-writing sessions about conflict and behaviors (coping skills) that can both sustain and harm a trauma survivor. But I don't have anything cohesive enough to lay out as a blog post at this time.
Additionally, there seems to be so much violence in the news that I've been reacting to and needed self care about, that my writing has turned very personal in nature.
Please be patient. I will continue to post here.
Until then, read and digest the blog entries posted in whatever way is safest for you personally. And remember that all comments are welcome. The only thing I ask is that folks remember to be kind to one another. I am always available for feedback, but there are strangers I've never met that the subject matter resonates with. Please hold these people with care as you contribute.
Thanks and best regards,
Mike :-) 

1 comment:

  1. Your sentence about being kind to one another is the only thing that should matter most days. If we (I!) would just hold onto that and put our energies into doing that, we would all be sooo much better. Thanks for the reminder. That will be my mantra for today and tomorrow - if I have the sense to hold on strongly enough. You are good for my soul, dear Mike!
